Download Torrent Arturia Jupiter 8v Vst For Win

    • How To use Arturia V Collection 4

    In 1971, Bob Moog introduced the minimoog, the first compact, portable and affordable synthesizer. With its 'fat' sound and unparalleled filters, the synthesizer quickly became known for its analog bass and lead sounds.

    Arturia has created the mini V, a faithful reproduction of the hardware. Offering all the features of the original, the software version also adds polyphony, MIDI management and presets.

    Behind the control panel are additional functions, including a modulation matrix, an arpeggiator and an independent LFO, as well as a stereo chorus and a delay.

    Using TAE, Arturia's proprietary technology for emulating analog circuits, the software offers sharp filters, aliasing-free oscillators and soft-clipping, which results in a convincing analog emulation
    More than 1,000 presets
    3 voltage-controlled oscillators (with 5 waveforms) and 1 LFO
    The 24 dB/oct filter, 1 noise generator, 2 ADS(R) envelopes and 1 VCA
    A modulation matrix offers up to 6 different connections (12 sources, 32 destinations)
    External audio input for processing audio through the software filters
  • Modular V 2.6 by Arturia is a software reproduction of a classic series of synthesizers. Because it's modular, the software instrument offers endless possibilities for synthesis, and further adds contemporary features like polyphony, MIDI control, loading and saving of patches, and more.

    TAE (True Analog Emulation), a technology developed by Arturia for enabling the digital reproduction of analog circuits, and brings with it several advantages. These include aliasing-free oscillators, at no extra CPU cost, and better reproduction of analog oscillators.

    Version 2.6 Features
    • Support for Pro Tools 9 & 10
    • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
    • Support for 64-bit VST and Audio Unit
    • MIDI Control Assignment Improvement
    Main Features
    • All the parameters of the original Moog Modular - 9 oscillators, 2 LFOs, 3 filter slots, 1 noise generator, 6 envelopes, 2 VCAs
    • 16 auxiliary VCAs with modulation inputs
    • Very accurate reproduction of the legendary Moog 24dB low-pass filter
    • 24-step sequencer
    • Single filter bank (14 bandwidths available)
    • Single stereo delay and chorus
    • 12 stage phaser and ring modulator
    • More than 600 presets
    • Main stereo outputs
    • Mono/polyphonic with up to 64 voices per instrument
    • Soft clipping function
    • No aliasing from 0.1Hz to 16kHz
    • 64-bit floating point precision
    • Sampling rate up to 96kHz
    • Playable through a MIDI keyboard
    • Superb audio quality using Arturia's TAE engine
    • Can use NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) MIDI messages for automation
    • Syncrosoft copy protection
  • The CS-80V 2.5 from Arturia is a virtual reproduction of the legendary Yamaha CS-80 synthesizer. The CS-80V 2.5 offers all the features of the original synthesizer, plus some innovative new ones. A modulation matrix provides a choice of 12 sources and 38 destinations. Also new are a multi-timbral mode, an arpeggiator and a stereo delay. The plug-in comes loaded with more than 400 presets made by a selection of talented sound designers.

    Version 2.5 Features
    • MIDI Control Assignment Improvement
    • Support for 64-bit VST and Audio Unit
    • Support for Pro Tools 9 & 10
    • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
    Main Features
    • All the original parameters of the Yamaha CS-80 - 2 oscillators, 4 filters (high-pass, low-pass), 2 LFOs, 4 envelopes, 2 VCAs, sub-oscillator (LFO), ring modulator, chorus and tremolo
    • More than 400 presets playable through a MIDI keyboard
    • Multi Mode allows for assigning a different sound to each of the 8 voices of polyphony
    • Delay effect
    • Modulation Matrix with 12 sources to modulate a choice of 38 destination parameters
    • Responds to polyphonic aftertouch
    • Arpeggiator
    • Expression and sustain pedals
    • Ribbon controller
    • SoundMap preset navigation system
    • Sampling rate up to 96kHz
    • No aliasing from 0.1Hz to 16kHz
    • Up to 64-bit floating point processing
    • Can use NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) MIDI messages for automation
    • Syncrosoft copy protection
  • The ARP2600 V 2.5 from Arturia is a software recreation of the ARP2600 analog synthesizer. It can be operated with or without patch cords since all of the functions are internally wired and can be controlled via sliders and switches.
    In addition to the ARP2600's original functions, this software version provides MIDI control, polyphony and the ability to save and recall presets. Additionally, four tracking generators add sound design possibilities that have never been heard before. Effects are also included to form an exciting virtual synthesizer.

    Version 2.5 Features
    • MIDI Control Assignment Improvement
    • Support for 64-bit VST and Audio Unit
    • Support for Pro Tools 9 & 10
    • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
    Main Features
    • Recreation of the ARP2600 synthesizer
    • More than 400 presets playable through a MIDI keyboard
    • 3 voltage-controlled oscillators - the second oscillator can modulate either the first two oscillators or the filter
    • Low-pass resonant filter
    • ARP2500 multi-mode 12dB filter including the notch/low shell filter combination
    • 4 tracking generators
    • Ring modulator
    • LFO which can be synchronized with the tempo of the host sequencer
    • Sample and Hold
    • A tracker/interactive LFO exclusive module allows for creating different kinds of modulations in real time
    • Ability to synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 1
    • Original ARP 1601 sequencer
    • Chorus and stereo delay that can be synchronized to the host tempo
    • Updated voltage processors that can now be used as either inverters, mixers or lag processors
    • Polyphony from 2 to 32 voices with Unison possibilities
    • SoundMap preset navigation system
    • No aliasing from 0.1Hz to 16kHz
    • Up to 64-bit floating point processing
    • Can use NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) MIDI messages for automation
    • eLicenser protection
  • The Jupiter-8V 2.5 from Arturia is a recreation of the Roland Jupiter 8 hardware synthesizer keyboard in a virtual instrument.

    Using the latest version of TAE (True Analog Emulation), the company's proprietary technology, the Jupiter-8V also offers a host of modern features. These include an advanced step sequencer, a new line of dynamic effects, a module combining LFO's (called Galaxy), and more.

    Version 2.0 Features
    • Support for 64-bit VST and Audio Unit
    • Support for Pro Tools 9 & 10
    • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
    • MIDI Control Assignment Improvement
    Main Features
    • Recreation of Roland's Jupiter 8 synthesizer
    • More than 400 high quality and innovative sounding presets
    • Unique audio structure consisting of 2 oscillators per voice (16 oscillators in total), 2 LFO's, 2 filters and 2 envelopes
    • Keyboard split and layer
    • Analog sounding effects include dual delay, phaser and flanger, with all 3 being largely modulate-able by any audio source in the synthesizer
    • 2 digital effects, X and Y
    • Additional live-oriented step-sequencer
    • Additional Galaxy module for advanced modulations
    • Easy to setup MIDI keyboard control with just a few mouse clicks
    • Polyphony from 2 to 32 voices with Unison possibilities
    • Sound MAP preset navigation system
    • Can use NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) MIDI messages for automation
    • eLicenser software protection
  • The Wurlitzer V from Arturia is a software recreation of the classic Wurlitzer 200A electric piano using physical modeling. Unlike sample libraries that produce static snapshots of individual events, the virtual instrument reproduces the acoustic properties of the reeds and hammers, key action and amplification, the internal amplification system, and even the acoustic properties of the plastic body, bringing heightened realism while offering maximum flexibility.
    The legendary bright and overdriven Wurlitzer sound heard on countless classic records came from the use of boutique effects and mic'd guitar tube amplifiers. To add authenticity to the sound of the software, the company added a modeled studio environment that includes the same amplifiers, microphones and effects. And to allow the musician to easily interact with the sound, the user interface features 'in-depth' parameter controls right on the main panel.
    These parameters allow for extensive sound design capabilities, not only offering an accurate recreation of the legendary Wurlitzer keyboards, but are also ideal for extreme sound-design. Additionally, 'harmonic variations' presets can be selected which call up different profiles depending on the reed's quality and the accentuated natural harmonics. This allows for instantaneously dramatic changes in the sound of the instrument.
    The software side-steps the nightmare of tuning the reeds manually while providing an intuitive way of mapping a user's favorite MIDI controller. Automatic learning makes assigning a control easy - simply click on a software control in MIDI mode, and then move the slider or knob on the hardware controller to assign it to the software interface.

    Physical modeling of the classic Wurlitzer 200A Electric Piano
    Advanced parameters to allow in-depth control over user's sound design
    Includes eleven classic stompbox-type modeled effects
    Four guitar tube amps and a rotary speaker modeling for vintage live sound
    Extensive MIDI mapping of pedals, effects and sound engine parameters
    Modeled Amplifiers
    • Fender Deluxe Reverb Blackface
    • Fender Twin Reverb Blackface
    • Fender Bassman
    • Marshall Plexi
    • Leslie Speaker

    Modeled Microphones

    • Shure SM57
    • Sennheiser MD 421
    • Neumann U 87

    Modeled Effects

    • Wah wah pedal
    • Autowah
    • Overdrive
    • Flanger
    • Compressor
    • Phaser
    • Chorus
    • Delay
    • Pitch Shifter / Chorus
    • Vocal Filter
    • Reverb
  • The Prophet V 2.5 from Arturia is a 3-part software instrument, including software models of the Prophet 5, Prophet VS, and a hybrid of the two. Using TAE (True Analog Emulation), a technology developed by Arturia, the company has replicated the sound of the original analog circuitry.

    The emulations have all features of the original hardware (5-voice polyphony, white noise modulators, dynamic waveform cross-fading with joystick, etc.). The Hybrid mode is both synthesizers stacked one on top of the other offering an entirely new world of possibilities.

    Version 2.5 Features
    • MIDI Control Assignment Improvement
    • Support for 64-bit VST and Audio Unit
    • Support for Pro Tools 9 & 10
    • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
    Main Features
    • Software recreation of Prophet 5 and Prophet VS with the additional creation of a hybrid software synthesizer using both instruments
    • Includes all the original parameters of the Prophet 5 and Prophet VS
    • More than 400 presets and compatibility with the presets from the original synthesizers
    • Audio connection matrix
    • Modulation matrix switch for the two synthesizers
    • Two analog oscillators for the Prophet 5 and four wavetable oscillators for the Prophet VS
    • Mixer with joystick and automation envelope for mixing the oscillators of the Prophet VS
    • Ability to synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 1 for the Prophet VS
    • Resonant low-pass filter and multi-mode filters in the Prophet 5
    • Three LFO's that can be synchronized with the tempo of the host sequencer
    • Five envelopes that include two ADSR and three 5-point envelopes
    • Chorus and stereo delay with MIDI synchronization
    • Compatible with most MIDI keyboards
    • Polyphony from 2 to 32 voices with Unison possibilities
    • Sound MAP preset navigation system
    • No aliasing from 0.1Hz to 16kHz
    • Up to 64-bit floating point processing
    • Can use NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) MIDI messages for automation
    • eLicenser software protection
  • The Oberheim SEM V from Arturia is a faithful recreation of Oberheim's legendary SEM (Synthesizer Expander Module) that was, and is, coveted for its 'fatness' and unique harmonic spectrum. Utilizing the company's TAE technology, all of the original features have been reproduced, while several additional features not found on the original have been added.
    The virtual instrument can function in standalone mode, or as a plug-in available in most popular formats. Over 500 presets are presented that have been crafted by many of the famous names in analog synthesis.

    All the original parameters of the Oberheim SEM
    Two oscillators, each offering a sawtooth wave and variable-width pulse wave with PWM, sine wave LFO, 12 dB/octave multi-mode low-, high-, band-pass and notch filter, and two ADS envelope generators
    SEM V interface duplicates the behavior of the dual-concentric knobs for coarse and fine-tuning, with the last parameter being easily accessible via right-clicking
    Response of the ADS envelopes is accurately reproduced, as well as the VCF Mixer, modulation knobs and switches
    Added functionalities include an additional LFO with sine, sawtooth and square waves for more complex modulations, a white noise generator, a sub oscillator, onboard effects (overdrive, chorus, and delay), an arpeggiator and portamento, polyphony and eight-part multi-timbral functioning
    Polyphony parameter to limit the polyphony of the plug-in
    Eight-Voice Programmer module for editing seven additional virtual SEM voices
    'Forward Retrigg' mode for the Eight-Voice Programmer for easy use of sequences with the arpeggiator
    'Reassign' mode for the Eight-Voice Programmer (as in the original, the SEM V will first use the boards that are not gated in its voice assignment)
    Advanced keyboard follow module allows for drawing modulation curves on the fly with the ability to map up to six parameters of choice
    Modulation matrix module offering eight simultaneous modulations which can be set between eight different sources and more than twenty-five destinations
    Faster preset management
    Factory presets from Ian Boddy, Erik Norlander, Richard Courtel, Kevin Lamb, and Drew Newmann
    Sustain pedal active on all systems
    Improved performances on all DAWs, notably Logic and Pro Tools
  • Matrix 12 V - Vintage Synthesizer Virtual Instrument (Download)

    The Matrix 12 V from Arturia is a virtual instrument that models the massively powerful Oberheim Matrix 12 synthesizer. The original two oscillators have been accurately recreated, with all the waveforms modeled using aliasing-free algorithms. Pulse width modulation, noise and the FM functions are also available. The Matrix-12 employed a single filter per voice, but provided fifteen different filter modes.
    Two insert effect slots are provided with a choice of six effects available for each slot, including reverb, chorus, classic delay, phaser, flanger and analog delay. The software can be controlled by any MIDI keyboard with MIDI mapping user customizable. Almost all parameters can be assigned, including a MIDI control to the program chain list to ease navigation through favorite presets. Other enhancements make operational and modulation setups easier using dedicated interfaces.

    Two oscillators, each offering triangle, sawtooth and variable-width pulse wave with PWM
    Oscillator 1 can be frequency modulated
    Oscillator 2 also offers a white noise generator
    Single filter with fifteen modes, four low-, three high-, two band-pass modes, notch, phase shift, plus four additional 'combo' filter modes
    Powerful modulation matrix with twenty-seven sources and forty-seven destinations
    Sources include five envelopes, five LFOs, four ramp generators, three track generators, velocity, pressure, keyboard follow
    Two insert effect slots with six effects to choose from
    Twelve voices of polyphony like the original hardware
  • Solina V - Vintage String Machine Virtual Instrument (Download)

    The Solina V from Arturia is a virtual instrument that faithfully models the classic Arp/Eminent Solina string ensemble. In addition to providing all the original parameters of the string ensemble, the company has expanded the sound generating elements to include the Vox Humana and Resonators from the Polymoog synthesizer, original paraphonic and new polyphonic modes of operation, a 24 dB per octave filter on the bass section, LFO and arpeggiator.
    Besides the classic vintage synthesizer string sounds, the instrument includes ambient pads, mono leads, basses, brass, arpeggios and more. All the effects from the original are also available, along with more modern additions. Control over the many parameters is implemented with a simple MIDI learn function with the ability to store different configurations and recall them as needed.

    All original parameters of the Arp/Eminent Solina string ensemble
    Vox Humana sound modeled after the original Polymoog synthesizer
    Classic paraphonic operation as well as separate polyphonic mode
    Polymoog resonator section on upper section
    Solina MK1 and MK2 ensemble modes
    24 dB per octave resonant filter on bass section
    Arpeggiator on bass section
    LFO for vibrato, tremolo, and filter modulation
    Aftertouch and velocity modulation
    Three-mode stereo chorus
    Stereo dual phaser
    Analog delay
    Digital sync delay
    Convolution reverb with twenty-four models
  • Vox Continental V - Vintage Organ Virtual Instrument (Download)

    The Vox Continental V from Arturia is a virtual instrument that faithfully models the famous VOX Continental 300 classic organ. Both the upper and lower manuals have been modeled and can be controlled via multiple MIDI controllers, or with a single manual controller. The Bass section adds a rich low end, while a collection of vintage stomp boxes allow for processing the sounds and then feeding the output either directly, through a classic guitar amp with multiple models, or through a Leslie speaker.
    Every nuance of the original has been modeled down to the key contact timing and background noises. This provides both the smooth mellow tones and the cutting hard tone that the VOX was known for. A Jennings J70 mode has also been added to the voice engine along with an expanded mode that delivers a full complement of drawbars on both the upper and lower manuals, and an additional third tone drawbar that uses a saw wave as a base tone.

    • Physical modeling of the VOX Continental 300
    • Added models of the ultra rare Jennings J70
    • Classic red/orange VOX skin or UK VOX/Jennings grey skin
    • Upper manual, lower manual and bass pedal sections
    • Extended mode allows for more controls and more sound possibilities
    • Includes classic stompbox-type modeled effects
    • Modeled guitar tube amp and rotary speaker outputs for vintage live sound
    • Extensive MIDI mapping of pedals, effects and sound engine parameters
    • Supports MIDI splits or independent channels per manual
    • Multiple-output effect processors
    • Modeled amplifiers - Fender Deluxe Reverb Blackface, Fender Twin Reverb Blackface, Fender
    • Bassman, Marshall Plexi, Leslie Speaker
    • Modeled microphones - Shure SM57, Sennheiser MD 421, Neumann U 87
    • Convolution reverb with custom classic spring reverbs
    Expanded Mode
    • Adds a full complement of drawbars for each harmonic
    • Adds a new waveform drawbar on each section
    • Vibrato, tremolo, reverb, overdrive and more effects
    • Leslie and guitar amp simulator outputs
    • Expanded percussion section with short and long decay times
    Open Mode
    • Allows for individual tuning of each pitch like a real VOX
    • Increase or decrease the key contact timing (simulates older key contacts)
    • Switch between the VOX 300 circuit emulation and the updated Jennings J70 engine
    • Increase or decrease the background noise bleed of the older VOX/Jennings
  • Spark 2 from Arturia is a drum production solution with a sound library, multiple synthesis engines and advanced sequencing functionalities. Also included are real time performance tools and effects for use in the studio or on stage. The software functions standalone, or as an AAX Native, Audio Units and VST plug-in, for both Mac and Windows computers.

    • Beat creation software combining elements from analog drum machines, sample based beat boxes and physical modeling
    • Audio engine contains multiple synthesis modes - sample engine, multiple physical models, and a modular, virtual analog drum synthesizer
    • TAE (True Analog Emulation) synthesis for creating the sounds of classic analog synthesizers
    • The modular synthesizer can be used to create a vast array of sounds including, kick drums, snares, hats, cymbals, as well as more traditional synthesizer sounds using:

      • Up to nine variable shape VA oscillators
      • Up to four 8-mode filters
      • Up to six envelopes
      • Up to two LFOs
      • Up to four mixers
      • Up to two ring modulators
      • Up to two CV modulators
      • Up to two Karplus Strong based filters
      • Stereo filter
      • Spring Mass physical modeling engine

    • The modular synthesizer contains six assignable macros knobs which allow for controlling multiple aspects of the sound in real time - for each macro four parameters can be assigned from any of the modules within a patch, as well as determining the minimum and maximum values the parameter can take
    • Song mode allows for organizing patterns into up to sixteen color-coded mini songs, each up to eight patterns long Allows for simple visualizing of the various sections of a song (intro chorus, verse, breakdown) Dedicated buttons can trigger mini songs in any order for creating on-the-fly remixes
    • Interface has been organized to make it as user friendly as possible by placing all the major features at the user's fingertips
    • Tabbed layout drastically reduces scrolling and provides the user with faster access to all features
    • Supports REX files - import a REX file and split the slices across the sixteen pads, or use single pad playback for live looping possibilities
    • Samples and REX files can be used as sources for the modular synthesizer
    • Built-in step sequencer
    • Mixer provides a familiar interface for controlling the level, pan, insert effects and sends of instruments with each of these parameters automatable in the pattern page
    • Each drum instrument can be processed through fourteen digital effects:

      • Compressor
      • Reverb
      • Bit crusher
      • Multiband EQ
      • Chorus
      • Delay
      • Distortion
      • Phaser
      • Plate reverb
      • Destroyer
      • Flanger
      • Space pan
      • Limiter
      • Sub generator

    • Automation input is available using the XY pad or the Pencil and Line tools in the pattern/automation page
    • All instrument and effect parameters from the inserts can be automated
    • Each track of the step sequencer allows for fifteen different parameters to be automated per instrument plus full automation of all the insert effects parameters for that given instrument
    • Functions standalone or as a plug-in within a host sequencer
    • Plug-in use supports sixteen audio outputs that can be routed and assigned within the host
    • Import AIFF, WAV, MIDI and REX2 files
    • Simple drag and drop export of patterns in WAV format, as well as MIDI sequence formats into a DAW
    • All of the parameters available on the main panel are MIDI assignable and can be controlled via any external MIDI device
    • Full integration with SparkLE controller
    Vintage Drum Machine Emulations
    • Roland TR-808
    • Roland TR-909
    • Roland TR-707
    • Roland TR-606
    • EMU Drumulator
    • LinnDrum
    • Oberheim DMX
    • Korg KPR 77
    • Sequential Circuits Drumtraks
    • Simmons SDS-V
    • Roland CR78 / Ace Tone Rhythm Ace
    • Korg DDM-110
    • Korg DDM-220
    • Yamaha RX5
    • Casio RZ1
    • Lynn9000
    Music Styles Covered by Electronic Drum Kits
    • EDM
    • Hip Hop
    • Dubstep
    • Electro House
    • Deep House
    • Minimal Techno
    • R'n'B
    • Trance
    • Techno
    • Abstract Hip Hop
    • Dancehall
    • Industrial
    • Tech House
    • Trap
    • Drum and Bass
    Acoustic Drum Kit Playing Styles
    • Modern Rock
    • Funk
    • R'n'B
    • Pop
    • Vintage Rock
    • Latin Percussion

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Synth by Arturia

'If you thought the Moog was amazing the Juipiter-8V will blow your mind. It is a very well executed software sytnh that I use a lot. I love it!'
Adam Beyer. Legendary Techno producer and DJ. He is the founder of Drumcode Records, Truesoul Records, Code Red and Mad Eye Recordings.
'Loaded with effects and extra filter settings I can now look back at my Jupiter-8 days and smile. The best ghostly strings ever and hi-pass filters in memory.'
Chris Pitman (Guns N' Roses). Chris Pitman is an American musician best known for his involvement with the hard rock band Guns N' Roses.
'My favourite synth of all time is now a soft-synth thanks to the wonderful people at Arturia.. This is a must have for all of us JP8 lovers'
Howard Jones. Howard Jones is a British musician, singer and songwriter.

The Flagship Returns

Jup-8 V is a powerful addition to the family of analog synthesizer recreations by Arturia. Offering the unique sound palette of the Roland Jupiter 8, this virtual version is a sound designer's dream.

This was the flagship synth that put the Japanese manufacturers on the map as serious competitors the early '80's. With its colorful user interface and great sound, the Jup 8 scored a hit among musicians the world over.

Crystal Clear Fatness

The original instrument was known for its lush pads and haunting leads, its ability to split and layer sounds and its flexible arpeggiator. Jup-8 V not only provides these original features, it created an original sound that is respected to this day.

Innovative Sounds

From its gorgeous basses to floating pads and lush strings; our Jup-8V has a sound as big as the planet Jupiter.

Out of this World Innovation

While the original was amazing we wanted it to be mind blowing.

We added the ability to patch effects into the voice path further expanding the sound pallet and then added a full function step sequencer and a bold new modulator called the 'Galaxy'. These new innovations take this product beyond Jupiter and back.

Main Features

  • More than 500 high-quality, innovative presets
  • Up to 32 voices of polyphony
  • The same unique audio structure as the original synth: 2 oscillators per voice, 2 LFOs, 2 filters and 2 envelopes
  • Unison mode up to 4 voices
  • Two simultaneous voice-level effects (serial): Chorus/Flanger, Phaser, Distortion, Parametric EQ and Ring Mod with flexible routing options
  • Two simultaneous Patch-level stereo effects (serial): Chorus/Flanger, Dual Delay, Phaser and Reverb
  • Performance-oriented step-sequencer
  • Galaxy: an innovative module for advanced LFO modulation capabilities
  • Keyboard split and layer
  • Configure external MIDI control quickly and easily

Arturia Software Center

ASC is the central software that elegantly manages all your Arturia software licenses. It activates your licenses and synchronizes them across multiple devices (you get five instances with each instrument license). ASC also notifies you of updates and downloads them. You can even easily learn about new products, download demos versions and purchase the full products. Simple.

Included in V Collection

This instrument is also part of the V Collection 5 -your complete dream line-up of the legendary synths, organs, pianos and more that made keyboard history. They’re modeled with the most advanced technologies for authentic realism, and enhanced with new creative options. Whether you use it as DAW plugins in the studio or standalone at gigs, V Collection 5 puts the greatest keys of all time at your fingertips for instant inspiration.

TAE® Powered


TAE® 'True Analog Emulation' is Arturia's exclusive technology that accurately reproduces the defining sonic qualities of analog synthesizers. It recreates the characteristics of analog oscillators in amazing detail, transparency and clarity, as well as the exact properties of the analog filters that give each classic instrument its unique sound. Soft clipping adds even more punch and presence. TAE® is primarily what makes our virtual instruments indistinguishable from the originals.

Preset Browser

Our redesigned preset browser lets you quickly find just the sound you’re looking for.

Search by name or simply select the appropriate tags to dial in on the exact sonic character you’re looking for. You can mark and recall your own favorites, enter comments, and set up playlists. There’s never been a more intuitive way to manage your library of designer and personal presets.

Resizable GUI

The user interfaces for all your Arturia instruments are now resizable, making it easy to work with any High Resolution screen, UHD or Retina.

You can decide whether you want to fill the screen with awesome graphic reproductions of classic instrument goodness, scale the window down when you’re working in a DAW and screen real estate is at a premium, or even zoom for detailed work.

System Requirements

Arturia Jupiter 8v Torrent

Platform specifications


  • Windows: Win 7+ PC: 4 GB RAM; 2 GHz CPU.
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Download Torrent Arturia Jupiter 8v Vst For Windows 10


  • Apple: 10.10+: 4 GB RAM; 2 GHz CPU.
  • 1GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Required configuration

Works in Standalone, VST 2.4 (32-bit and 64-bit), VST 3 (32-bit and 64-bit), AAX (32 bits with PT 10.3.8, 64 bits with PT 11), Audio Unit (32-bit and 64-bit), NKS.

Arturia Jupiter 8v Download


Download Torrent Arturia Jupiter 8v Vst For Windows 7

The software is protected by the Arturia Software Center.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Plugin Boutique do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Plugin Boutique or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the product or the accuracy of the description. 'RHODES' is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.


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