Download Failed Because Resources Could Not Be Found

  1. This article lists common point-to-site connection problems that you might experience. It also discusses possible causes and solutions for these problems. VPN client error: A certificate could not be found.
  2. Fire hd download failed because resources could not be found, see also any related to fire hd download failed because resources could not be found, from on January 2019.
  3. Hello, I'm asking this question because I couldn't find a answer to it. I uploaded my first app as an Alpha to the Google Play Store.

May 22, 2017 - errorCode 3 means that the downloaded file don't comes from the market. You probably need to check the 'Allow installation of apps from unknown sources' in.

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With the launch of OS 10.2.1, BlackBerry brought the ability to install Android apps straight from the device. However, many in the community wanted to go a step further with access to Google Play — enter Snap. Snap is a native BlackBerry 10 application which allows you to download free and previously purchased apps from Google Play. Unfortunately, it can’t be downloaded from BlackBerry World, but we’ll show you how to sideload it from your computer.

In order to do this, you’ll need to make sure you have a number of things ready:

  • A BlackBerry 10 device running OS or above.
  • The latest Snap .BAR file, can be obtained here.
  • A tool for sideloading. Option 1 is the Google Chrome BB10/PlayBook App Manager extension (requires Chrome 18.0+, a WiFi network that both your computer and phone are connected to). Option 2 is the DDPB application (PC-only, requires a USB connection, .NET Framework 2.0 or above, and Java Runtime Environment 6).

Once you have everything set, start by putting your device into Development Mode. Both methods of sideloading will require this, so it’s best to get it out of the way before we continue. In order to do this, go into the Settings app and find the Security and Privacy section.

Once you’re in the appropriate section, you’ll find the Development Mode at the bottom of the page, so go ahead and enter that page.

On the Development Mode page, you’ll see a toggle. We want this toggle enabled, so go ahead and turn it on. If your device has a password, it will request that you enter it. If not, it’ll ask you to set a password, which you’ll need to remember for later.

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should get a notification telling you that Development Mode has been enabled on the device. Now we can go ahead and proceed with the actual process of sideloading.

Option 1: Google Chrome extension

If you haven’t already done so, start by downloading the extension here. A small BlackBerry logo should show up in your toolbar once it’s installed, which you can hit to access the extension options. If the logo doesn’t show up, just go to the Settings menu of Google Chrome and look for it under the Extensions tab on the left.

Once you’re in the Extensions menu, look for the BB10/PlayBook App Manager, and select Options.

After that, you’ll be taken to the options screen for the extension. Here, you’ll need to entire your device’s IP address in the Hostnames/IPs field.

This can be found in the Settings app, on the About page.

In the About page, hit the Category dropdown and switch to Network.

Once you’re in the Network category, look for your IPv4 address under the Wi-Fi heading. If there is a forward-slash followed by some numbers after the address, ignore those and only use the numbers prior to the slash. As mentioned earlier, both your computer and your BlackBerry 10 device must be connected to the same WiFi network for this to work, as this extension will send the app over your WiFi network to the phone.

Once you have the address, make sure to input it into the Hostnames/IPs field in the extension options and hit the Save button. IPs for other devices in the future can be added by separating them with a comma. When you’ve saved the IP, a link will be generated at the bottom of the page.

If you’ve followed this tutorial correctly, then you should already have Development Mode enabled. If not, you’ll need to enable it now before you can click on the generated link. Once you click on the link, it will request the device password set when Development Mode was enabled. Go ahead and input that password, then hit Log In.

Once you’ve logged in and the extension has loaded, the process is straightforward. Go find the Snap .BAR file you downloaded at the beginning, then drap and drop it underneath the Install Apps heading.

And there you have it, after a short while the app should show up on the last screen of your device’s app drawer. For security purposes, it might be best to disable Development Mode at this point. A quick rundown of how to use the app can be found at the end of this How-To, after the text for Option 2.

Option 2: DDPB (PC-only)

Though DDPB’s developer has long abandoned the application, it still serves as a good method of sideloading for anyone who doesn’t wish to use Google Chrome or doesn’t have a Wi-Fi network to use. As mentioned at the beginning, you’ll need to download and install DDPB here, then make sure your device is hooked up to your computer via USB with Development Mode enabled. If DDPB doesn’t work when starting it, make sure your PC has .NET Framework 2.0 or above and Java Runtime Environment 6 installed.

Once you have DDPB working, you should see a screen like the one above. It requires an IP address and password just like the Google Chrome extension, but the IP address here is different since this is a USB connection. To find the IP address for this, go back to the Development Mode screen we accessed at the beginning (Settings>Security and Privacy>Development Mode).

As you can see, this screen has a different IP address listed — this is the address you need. So, go ahead and input that IP address into DDPB along with the password you set when enabling Development Mode. Once you’ve done that, hit the Connect button. Your OS version and PIN number should show up underneath if you’ve done everything correctly.

With that done, now you want to hit the Add button near the top of the application. This will open a separate screen, where you’ll need to navigate to the directory where you’ve saved the Snap .BAR file. Select the file and press Open. This should add the app to the list, as seen above. Now you need to tick off the checkbox next to the app, and hit the Install button at the bottom. A pop-up will show you how far the sideloading process has progressed — give it a bit of time. Once it’s done, another pop-up will alert you to the fact.

The app should now appear on the last page of your device’s app drawer, as seen above. Now that you’re done, it might be a good time to disable Development Mode for security purposes. If you want a quick tutorial on how to use Snap, keep on reading.

Using Snap

In order to use Snap, you’re going to need a Google Account. If you don’t already have one, you can make one quite easily here. Accounts with two-step verification enabled will need to create an application-specific password, which can be done here by hitting the Settings button for App passwords. All other accounts can just enter their regular username and password into the fields provided, then hit Sign In.

Once you’re in the app, you can go ahead and browse whatever apps you like and install them. A few things to keep in mind however:

  • Not all apps will work. Some will require Google Play services, which are not available in the Android Runtime for BlackBerry 10.
  • If you want to download a paid app, you must first buy it through Google Play on your computer or on another Android device.
  • Every time an app is downloaded, by default the installation file (also known as the APK file) is kept on your device, unless it is a paid app. If you want to avoid cluttering your device storage, swipe-down from the top of the screen to access the app settings, then scroll to the bottom and switch Post-Install Behavior to Delete APK. You can also clear the cache on this screen to further save storage space in the future.

And that’s everything you need to know to get Snap working on your BlackBerry 10 device. Now you can enjoy access to hundreds of thousands of additional apps on your phone. If you have any questions on the process just drop a comment below and we will be glad to assist you!

Note: If you are running OS 10.2 and lower we suggest you follow this or this guide.

Need further assistance? Ask in the BlackBerry Empire forums or drop a comment below.


A 404 Not Found Error can mean big trouble for an online store and its customers. Sales and customer satisfaction will drop. It is a lose-lose situation in Ecommerce.

Now, because I know you all are winners, we aren't going to lose out with this pesky 404 Page Not Found Error (not to be confused with the Error 500 Http Internal Server).

I’ll explain the Error and show you how to fix it for your Online Store. The next time you see this error, you’ll have the knowledge needed to fix the error fast and continue to make sales.

How to Recognize the 404 Not Found Error

There are many different ways that you might see this error message on your computer. Be aware that 404 Pages can be entirely customized by the owner of the domain. It can show up any way imaginable but these are some common words that you can look for to know if the Error you see is an HTTP Not Found Error 404

  • '404 Error'
  • '404 Not Found'
  • 'The requested URL download-failed-because-resources-could-not-be-found.html was not found on this server.'
  • 'HTTP 404 Not Found'
  • '404 Page Not Found'

The standard HTTP 404 - Not Found Error Page will be a white screen with simple black text. Here is a screenshot of a basic 404 Page that you might see:

Remember that the 404 Page Not Found Error can be completely customized. Here is what GitHub’s 404 Page looks like:

The Default PrestaShop theme has a slightly customized 404 page as well. Here it is for our version PrestaShop 1.7.

What is the Not Found Error 404?


The HTTP 404 Not Found Error means that the webpage you were trying to reach could not be found on the server. It is a Client-side Error which means that either the page has been removed or moved and the URL was not changed accordingly, or that you typed in the URL incorrectly. Put simply, a 404 Not Found Error means that the webpage simply does not exist with the URL entered.

Simple Steps to Solve

There are some simple tips you can try to solve this problem from your end. We will go over some advanced troubleshooting tips later. In any case, you should try these tips first because many times, the 404 Not Found Error can be solved rather quickly.

Refresh page

The first thing you should do is simply refresh. You can press Ctrl+F5 to force a refresh on the page. The error may appear just because the page wouldn’t load.

Clear browser’s cache and cookies

If you are able to visit the page from another device, such as your phone, clearing the cache and cookies will usually solve the problem.

Check the URL

Make sure that the URL inputted correctly. This includes spelling of the URL, correct slashes, file extension of the page and so forth.

Scan for Malware

There are some malware files that will force a 404 Error on websites. It’s imperative to make sure your computer is clean and not compromised.

Contact the Webmaster

Go ahead and send a message to the webmaster and let them know of the 404 error. If you are the website owner then contact your hosting provider for more information. If the server is encountering problems, it may return 404 errors.

Advanced Troubleshooting

For PrestaShop store owners, a 404 Not Found Error can be frustrating. I’ll go over some of the most common causes and solutions for seeing a 404 Not Found Error on your Back or Front Office.

Many of these “common causes” actually concern the .htaccess file. I do not recommend playing around with this file unless you know what you are doing.

Solid Hosting Providers can walk you through setting up your .htaccess file and troubleshooting issues while having a PrestaShop Support Plan ensures that these errors get solved quickly by a PrestaShop team member.

WAIT! Before you start playing around in your Back Office and PrestaShop files, you must backup your entire Database and PrestaShop files.

Please read this post to learn how to backup, or have your hosting provider backup both your Database and PrestaShop files.

Now let’s get to solving the 404 Not FoundError.

  • Deleted Pages -If you have deleted pages on your store, be aware that Search Engines may have already crawled and indexed the page. It can take some time (up to a month) for search engines to recognize that the page has been deleted. Your customers also may have bookmarked the page as well. It is a good idea to redirect your deleted products to a different page, like your homepage.
  • Permissions - If you are getting a 404 Not Found Error along with a sentence that reads “You don’t have permission to access…” Then it’s almost certainly a permissions problem. You should tweak your CHMOD permissions via FTP, or call your hosting provider to have this changed. Usually, a good permission set would be 755 for directories and 644 for files. However, permissions vary by host, so be sure to check with them first.
  • Memory Limit -You might receive a 404 Not Found error as a page that shows up because of a memory_limit issue with your host. Although the two are not directly related, it’s important to learn how to turn on Error Reporting. Turn Error reporting on and then reload the page with the 404 error, if you see an error that starts with “Fatal error: Out of memory” . Then contact your host to increase your memory limit.
  • .htaccess Problems - The .htaccess is a configuration file used by Apache web-servers on your root folder that can, among other things, control redirects, protect folders, and change aspects of your URL’s. Many times you can solve 404 issues by regenerating this file. You can delete the .htaccess file manually through your FTP and regenerate it by heading over to your Back-Office/Advance Parameters/Performance. Sometimes, simply toggling the option for Friendly URL can do the trick by forcing the regeneration of the .htaccess file.
  • SSL Certificate Incorrectly Configured - If you can receive a 404 Not Found error after your install your SSL certificate then your SSL Certificate is not set up correctly. Double check with your hosting provider to make sure that your SSL URL is pointing and connecting with the correct PrestaShop URL within the .htaccess file. In PrestaShop 1.5.6 + you have the option to Force SSL on all pages; in that case, you need to confirm that any page with content located within an iframe is called in https.
  • mod_rewrite is disabled - mod_rewrite is an apache module that allows you to customize your URL’s (That is what Friendly URL is). If you receive a 404 error when you turn on Friendly URL, chances are you do not have mod_rewrite enabled on your server. If your Friendly URL is working but in your Back-Office/Advance Parameters/Performance you see a warning that says “No URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration.” Then the problem is not due to mod_rewrite. Some hosting servers have security features that do not allow PrestaShop to check your server configuration. If Friendly URL works, then mod_rewrite is installed correctly.
  • Incorrect Custom URL Route-If you received the 404 error after you created a Custom URL route for your pages in your Back Office/Preferences/SEO & URLs , (Must have Friendly URL active and enabled). There is a strong chance that your custom route was not inputted correctly.

When in doubt: ask our PrestaShop forum

Once you get more information about the error, it is always a good idea to search the error in Google (Tip: Add the word 'PrestaShop' to your search and hone-in on the problem.)

You will find a plethora of information and tutorials about your error. Without a doubt, you will find some PrestaShop Forum threads with the [SOLVED] tag by them. Make sure to take the time to read those first.

If you cannot solve the problem after reading this post, researching on the internet and working with your Webmaster/hosting provider, you should definitely take the time to register and post on the PrestaShop Forums.

Please open a thread on the forum and our expert team of Community Mangers and Moderators will answer you. There you have it; if you follow these steps and suggestions you should be able to troubleshoot most all 404 Not Found Error pages.

Whether you are a customer on an Ecommerce website or the online store’s owner, a 404 Error can be slippery to find the cause and solve it.

With the knowledge you learned today, you are well prepared to navigate and solve any 404 Not Found error.

UPDATED 3/31/2016: We hope this article helps you address your issue. For answers to individual questions, you can post your question for free on our PrestaShop forum or contact our Support center and a representative will contact you with details on how you can get the help you need.

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