My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game

  • My machine is almost 1 yr old and I hav etried these tips but like the last person I can't find Tools when I go in Explore. I'm so confused and angry.Is somemone hacking my disk space???any.
  • Why i cant open my Local Disk (F? It is external hard disk borrow from my friend,and i can open it with others computer. But why i cant open wiht my computer?

How to Free Disk Space on Your Hard Drive. Computer hard drives are getting bigger and bigger, and you think that there's lots of stuff you can hold on to. One day you get the nasty message telling you that there is not enough free disk. MY AD server running windows server 2012 is getting to full of disk space gradually although I try to delete some data on it to re size some free space,actually It has 100 GB and used only 20 GB for windows and AD but now it's full of free space =o byte.

We have a product ,while doing some operation we found this error 'Logical disk 'C:' was not found' . When i checked my 'C' folder i saw its named as 'New Volume (C:)' , but when i changed to 'Local Disk (C:)' , the error which i was getting gone. Can any body tell me the reason behind it.

These all are my doubtsFirst one is, if 'C' folder name is 'New Volume (C:) ' what does 'New Volume' stands is it simply a folder name? then what does (C:) stands is it the one understood by OS?

My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game For Windows 10

Second is if 'C' folder name is 'Local Disk (C:) ' what does 'Local Disk' stands is it simply a folder name? then what does (C:) stands


2 Answers

I'd be willing to bet that it's a sheer coincidence or, in changing the name, you fixed some other underlying error. Volume Names don't really have any meaning beyond a friendly reference, and there's no difference between a volume called 'New Volume', 'Local Disk' or 'Dans Hard Drive'.

The drive letter on the other hand - this is how Windows references different volumes. So, say you have two hard drives (Or two partitions, they're the same for this explanation), then you may have two drives called

C: and D:

You'll rarely see and A: and B: due to legacy requirements - these always used to be the floppy disks.

You'll also notice that every other drive, such as CD-ROMS, DVD-ROMS, USB flash drives and occasionally MP3 players etc will also have a letter.

Each volume must have a unique letter in order to be accessed by Windows. You can customise these, and even remove them*, but that's out of scope.

*Removing the letter will make the volume inaccessible, but you can still see the volume in Disk Management, and assign a letter to it etc.


'New Volume' is just a standard name that an english version of Windows uses for drives that have an empty drive name.

Also the drive name is a little bit from a folder name. The drive name is just for human readablility, all references to a drive should happen by the drive letter, I dont even know if windows API has a way to find a drive by name...

Also 'Local Disk' is NOT the same as 'Logical disk'. Besides the name you gave your partition here an explanation for the both terms:

  • Local Disk: Any partition that is on any kind of mass storage that is currently wired up with your computer. It can be on a built in harddrive or on a USB-Stick.
  • Logical Disk: Any mounted device that is or is not directly wired up with your PC, the above examples are also logical disks, but a network drive for example is a logical disk but NOT a Local Disk.

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I installed my Windows 7 in 3-4 months ago and it ran very well until yesterday. My C drive is about 40Gb. The combined total of all the visible folders in the root directory of my C drive is 16Gb (including the Windows folder), but my system tells me that I have only 1.13Gb of free space. I haven't installed any Programs and Updates. What can I do?

Mohammadhassan EsfahanianMohammadhassan Esfahanian

4 Answers

Run chkdsk /f. If the problem still occurs, you might want to use a utility like TreeSize to see if there are any hidden files taking up space. Although it's also possible that your HDD could be dying...


My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game Download

IT is because of your PageFile . page file is not visible until you disable the 'Hide protected operating system files' on folder option.after that you can see what is the exact cause of Low Disk is good to run a Clean Disk but it is not a solution. in such these cases you should handle PageFile your self by going to Control Panel > System > Advance > Performance Options > Advance > here change the size of virtual memory. do not allow windows manage it.

and choosing a size for your page file that can suit your HDD capacity.

My local disk is full and cant download game full

I hope this will work. let us know about the result.


See if you have shadow copies enabled. Restore points could be eating up the HD space.

Open My Computer and right-click the C: drive. Select Properties.

Go to the Previous Versions tab. Do you see a lot of restore points? If so, they can be removed, or disabled altogether.

Open the Control Panel.
Control Panel >System and Security >System

Click System Protection in the left pane.
Highlight Local Disk (C:)(System) and click Configure...

From here you can press Delete to remove all the restore points and then reduce the Max Usage slider lower to something more reasonable.

My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game

My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game Free

There is also the option to Turn off system protection if you really low on disk space.


My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game Full

There could be a number of reasons so try all suggestions :-) I'm sure all the space can't be missing due to temporary files but here's a program that may help a little. It deletes old, unsued and temporary files/logs.

I don't think anyones mentioned this and it is simple so I may be stating the obvious. Make sure you are viewing hidden files/folders. To do this go to this open C: and go to 'folder options' (you may need to press alt to see it) select 'view' tab and select 'show hidden files, folders and drives' and hit apply.


protected by CommunityFeb 8 '15 at 12:41

My Local Disk Is Full And Cant Download Game For Windows

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